Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Call You Never Want to Get

Lennard had a planned outage today at work.  I was at home with the kids and had got them breakfast and had them dressed for church when I got a text from Lennard saying that he was at the hospital.  That's never a good way to start a text... After asking what happened and if he was okay, I got this text: "Fell off the pole."  That's it... no details.  Yeah... that's just what I wanted to hear.

I texted him back a couple times and after a few minutes he finally wrote back saying that he'd hurt his wrist.  I tried calling a couple people to watch the kids, but the phone calls wouldn't go through for some strange reason.  I finally walked over to our next door neighbors and asked if they would watch Emma and Ben while I went down to the hospital to find out exactly what was going on.  Thankfully, they were okay to watch them and I headed down.

This is what I saw when I got there... Lennard looked so impressed.  He was so incredibly lucky that he didn't have any major injuries.  He figures that he must have kicked out and fell about 15 feet down the pole and only stopped when his wrist hit a stand off bracket and got caught between it and his safety belt.  Then he had to try to get himself righted and climb the rest of the way down the pole.  He is pretty scraped up and bruised, but it could have been SO much worse!
 I got there just a few minutes before the doctor came in to give him the all clear.  The x-ray didn't show anything broken and we were told it was just a bad sprain.  He got his wrist put in a splint and was told to get another x-ray in a week.
 He was in so much pain, but guess what he had me do... yup... I was told to take him back to the work site!  They were in the middle of an outage and he wanted to make sure it all went according to plan.  There's a dedicated employee for you!
I went home after dropping him off, got the kids and finally got ready for church.  We headed off and, after about an hour, finally got a text saying that he was home resting.

I hate seeing him in pain, but am so grateful that it is only his wrist.  After working in a rehab center out East, I had visions of brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, etc.

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