Friday, November 4, 2016

Another Cast

We've been having a bit of a 'rough' week.  Lennard had a 'budget' meeting at work on Wednesday and things didn't go so well.  The Town is (once again) trying to make up its mind about the Electrical Department.  Lennard has been super stressed about that and a few other things that will remain private for now.  It's been hard!  

Today, he managed to get a walk-in appointment with our family doctor so that he could get another x-ray done.  Unfortunately, when the x-ray was done, there was still a very clear break... so another cast was ordered for another two weeks.  He is also being referred to Plastics to see if they recommend surgery. (Totally topped off the week with this news...)

We headed in to Lethbridge after the kids got home from school and went to the cast clinic at the hospital.  The kids were pretty excited (and a little nervous) to see how the cast came off.
 Ben was pretty determined that Lennard needed to have an orange cast.  Lennard had already said he'd just do a blue one again, but when Ben started crying, the tech told Lennard that he could do half and half... so Lennard gave in.
Ben was overjoyed!  Lennard thinks it looks ridiculous, but I told him that all he needed to do if anyone asked about it was to say that he'd done it for his son and he'd be a hero!

When we got home, I took the kids (and a Costco pizza) out to my parents so that they could have dinner and a sleepover while Lennard and I attended the Rotary Dine & Dance tonight.  It was a delicious roast beef dinner and the music was great (although a bit loud!).  It was nice to have an evening out together (even if I did end up visiting with one of my friends most of the night... sorry, Lennard!).

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